Four Days on Lake Hauto

Ah, spring break. That wonderful time of year where my wife gets to unwind after months of dealing with close to 30 first graders. It’s also that wonderful time of year where we can’t decide where to go or what to do for fear of invoking the wrath of a two-year-old who does not like to be in the car all that much. Luckily, after numerous plans crashed and burned, a friend offered us the use of his vacation house on Lake Hauto in Pennsylvania coal country. A doable drive? Check. A gorgeous house? Check. We were packed about five minutes after I got off the phone.


Despite years of camping and hiking in that region, I’d never been to the lake, which exists as a resort-type community about 20 minutes from the town of Jim Thorpe. (Does anyone else laugh as hard as I do when they see the Jim Thorpe exit sign on the PA Turnpike? Must be nice to have your own exit.) I was hoping for some fun long exposures on the docks, sunrises and sunsets, a few days of wandering around the woods and shores of the lake … Sadly, that was not meant to be as we were greeted with freezing temperatures and snow. Spring break, my ass.


Despite the weather, it was a much needed, do nothing break. Lots of time to eat way too much food, hang out with my family, shoot some film and generally just relax. Bonus: the house has an air hockey table.


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